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    Welcome to the Nutrition & Growth Network!

    We anticipate that the Nutrition and Growth Network will become the premiere online community for health professionals in the field of pediatric nutrition.

    The Network provides fans the opportunity to exchange knowledge about pediatric nutrition, network with colleagues and take advantage of the added benefit of being a part of an exclusive online social network.

    This network is just in the beginning stages and we look forward to your contributions in helping it grow.


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    SSR可以给几人用Hesham Al-Eryani updated their profile
    Jul 14
    SSR可以给几人用Helen McCarthy posted a status
    "Currently a guest editor for the journal "nutrients" - a special edition on nutrition assessment. Excited by this opportunity."
    Jul 14
    SSR可以给几人用Ken S Mark posted an event

    7th International Conference on Nutrition and Growth at Online/Virtual

    August 27, 2020 at 7am to August 29, 2020 at 12am
    The purpose of the 7th International Conference on Nutrition and Growth is to bring together pediatricians, nutritionists, neonatologists, experts in child development and other specialists to discuss the challenges of the interplay between Nutrition and Growth in the pediatric age group.See More
    Jul 13
    Ken S Mark posted videos
    Jul 13
    Francisco Moraga, ADEL WAHEEB JASIM, Barbara and 27 more joined Nutrition and Growth Network
    Jul 13
    SSR可以给几人用Marisa Nastasi is now a member of Nutrition and Growth Network
    Mar 19
    Neti Nurani is now a member of Nutrition and Growth Network
    Mar 4
    Stav Zeldis is now a member of Nutrition and Growth Network
    Shivam Yadav is now a member of Nutrition and Growth Network
    Feb 18
    SSR可以给几人用Yoselin Avila Lizarraga updated their SSR可以给几人用
    Yoselin Avila Lizarraga and Melissa Kay Thoene joined Nutrition and Growth Network
    Jan 15
    Maria Lourdes G. Genuino,MD and xiaozhou chen joined Nutrition and Growth Network
    Jan 9
    Otgon Galsanjav, SSR可以给几人用, wira mondana and 3 more joined Nutrition and Growth Network
    Jan 6
    dr.fatima alkhalidi posted a status
    "What are you up to?"
    Dec 8, 2019
    SSR可以给几人用hanan mahmoud updated their profile
    Dec 6, 2019
    Luba and zerara ismael are now friends
    Dec 5, 2019



    Nutritional screening tools for malnutrition in pediatrics

    Started by Luba. SSR可以给几人用 by Nelly Mayulu Sep 26, 2019. 1 Reply

    Studies published over the past decade reveal malnutrition prevalence upon admission to pediatric hospitals remains considerably high, ranging from 6-14% in developed countries[1] with higher…SSR可以给几人用



    Started by Michal Yackobovitch-Gavan Jul 21, 2019. 0 Replies

    Moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) is caused by insufficient nutritional intake (both, quality and quantity) due to inadequate food availability or disease.Although several nutritional interventions…Continue

    Effects of protein supplementation on the physical growth of young children

    Started by Michal Yackobovitch-Gavan. Last reply by Tamara Riley Dec 5, 2018. 1 Reply

    Observational studies of dietary protein adequacy in low-income countries indicate that most young children consume adequate amounts of protein with reference to recommendations (1-4). However, these…Continue

    Diet Quality and Risk of Stunting

    Started by Michal Yackobovitch-Gavan Aug 1, 2018. 0 Replies

    In low and middle income countries, age‐appropriate complementary feeding (the addition of food other than human milk or formula) practices are usually not optimal, and is expressed in minimal food…Continue




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