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sgreen 手机版每天免费

安卓科学上外网 app

The theme today is songs about islands.

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We are also joining手机上外网 for


Monday's Music Monday
hosted by
安卓科学上外网 app


 Athena Cat Goddess is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

Sunday, 2 August 2020


Happy Sunday!

I am not a very impulsive cat. I think I learned that from Mum. She's not an impulsive person. She takes ages to make decisions and she is also a purrfectionist (when it comes to her art and this blog, that is).

So, every morning when Mum opens the window that leads into my catio (depending on the weather) I will sit on the sofa and look outside for ages, contemplating if it is worth stepping out. I may then move on to the window-sill and sit and stare even more, nostrils twitching, eyes widening. 

The selfie above shows me in this state. But you can always see this video Mum has quickly put together too.

We are joining The Cat on my Head for the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop

This post contains affiliate links. 安卓科学上外网 app

Did you like my Caturday Art yesterday?

Mum has just uploaded the wild tiger art to my Redbubble store where it can be purchased on a variety of products.

Like this mask

Masks sold on Redbubble are for general public use only and are not intended for use in medical settings. More legal info here.

And This iPad Snap Case

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