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While the rush to work from home (WFH) upended many corporate plans as the COVID-19 pandemic worsened, returning to work might be even harder, according to Nirva Fereshetian. "There’s no going back to where we were," she says.

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The much-anticipated annual gathering of senior IT executives and technology experts at the 2020 CIO Summit will be back this September, in a brand new virtual setting.


cio 100 big

The CIO 100 is a showcase of the crucial technology projects, IT strategies, innovations, ideas, change management and transformation initiatives CIOs in and from the UK are delivering to customers, organisations, partners and sectors.

2020 01 13


The inaugural CSO30 is a celebration of the role of the CSO and recognises the leading security executives in the UK.

Microsoft Office 365 logo


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Woody on Windows


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Apple Holic


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The best office apps for Android

Create an optimal Android office app power-pack with these thoroughly researched recommendations.

Mozilla Firefox headquarters


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hand at keyboard with Windows logo
Woody on Windows

Microsoft Patch Alert: July 2020

Now that Microsoft has fixed an Outlook-killing bug on Microsoft’s own servers by updating Office 365, and re-issued the .NET patch so paying Windows 7 Extended Update customers can get it installed, the remaining problems are largely...

Android, Chrome OS
Android Intelligence

Why Android and Chrome OS's next step could be colossal

After years of tantalizing teases, Google's two primary platforms may finally be ready to take their relationship to the next level.

Apple Holic

Qualcomm hints at (slight) 5G iPhone 12 delay

The company's Q4 guidance cites reduced shipments because of "the delay of a global 5G flagship phone launch."


Windows 10 recovery, revisited: How to perform a clean install in 2004

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new windows 10 logo


The company has launched a preview of a new enterprise-focused option that blocks Windows' telemetry from reaching Microsoft's servers.