
Deciding what to do with the rest of your life can be a “major decision.” Let the Major & Career Exploration Center help you choose a major that will lead you to an exciting and fulfilling future.


Examine your interests, values, skills, and personality characteristics by participating in self-assessment exercises and testing. Gather information about career options and evaluate the pros and cons of different occupations as they may relate to your personal choices and career goals.

Design a Career Plan

Planning early is important. Knowing what career you want to pursue is a critical part of your education. Create a plan that takes you step by step through each year. This will be a valuable tool in helping you reach a successful career.

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Deciding what you want to do for the rest of your life can be overwhelming. After all, there are so many majors and occupations. So where do you start?

That's where we come in. Our professional career staff helps students and alumni with discovering their major & career path. We have the career decision-making tools to help you explore your interests and connect your passion to careers, ensuring that the classes you take and the time you spend studying will grab you the kinds of jobs you'll be happy in.

Visit the Major & Career Exploration Center in Career Services located in Agnes Edwards Hall, Room 104, today to find out more.