Fighting for a U.S. federal budget that prioritizes peace, economic security and shared prosperity


Here's what $74 billion could buy—instead of 10% of the Pentagon budget. - more



  • Discretionary Spending 2015 Discretionary Spending
    This is the part of the budget that lawmakers have to pass into law each year.
  • 2015 Revenues Revenues
    This shows federal tax revenue sources that fund the federal budget.
  • Total Spending 2014 Total Spending
    This shows how all federal dollars are spent, including discretionary and mandatory programs, and interest on the debt.
  • Where Your Taxes Went Where Your Taxes Went
    Ever wonder what happens to your taxes? This shows how each federal income tax dollar was spent last tax year.



Humanitarian aid is the form of foreign spending that we need to prioritize for a safer future, instead of ever-flowing ...

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