
The power of “real-time” data at your fingertips.

With our patented Federated Search Technology, BlueFusion Increases the i2 Analyst’s Notebook User’s effectiveness by as much as 400%. Saving your organization both time and money. if you’re still using i2 without it, then you haven’t really experienced the power of i2. 


Many companies profess to have the best i2 training but only BlueLight’s is good enough to be an IBM embedded Solution. We provide comprehensive IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook training tailored to your unique needs. In Person or Virtual, Instructor Led or Self Paced what ever your needs may be, Come learn with Blue Light.


如何加速访问国外服务器? -「云杰通信」:今天 · 企业用户在与海外企业对接时,访问海外服务器遇到了十分严重的问题。对于大部分之前一直访问国内服务器,甚至是没国外服务器的用户。在访问国外服务器的时候总会有很多的顾虑,不知道哪种国外服务器访问专线更稳定,能达到自身产品运行所需要的实际服务器环境。


The team of professionals at Blue Light is committed and dedicated to providing your i2 solution. Experience the BlueLight difference in information analysis and data analytics training.

Experience the Blue Light Difference

The experienced Sales Team at Blue Light provides an informative, customer-focused experience on our portfolio of proprietary IBM i2 products to include purchasing or renewing IBM i2Analyst’s Notebook Software software.

Customized IBM i2 Analyst's Notebook Training

Choose from online, self-paced or instructor-led courses held throughout the year and world. Our hands-on classes will have you working with the latest versions of IBM i2 and EIA products in no time.


Additional services, such as custom solutions, consulting services, and industry-leading technical and customer support are also available. Take advantage of Blue Light’s unparalleled IBM i2 knowledge to take your business to the next level.


Blue Light brings decades of collective experience in configuring, setting up and supporting i2 environments all over the world.
Each customer is provided with a dedicated team to ensure every aspect of their experience will be timely addressed.

Need Help Choosing the best i2 Solution for your needs?






We are the industry’s best-kept secret. As a strategic IBM Silver Business Partner specializing in analytics and IBM i2® Analyst Notebook portfolio of products since 2004 – the longest in the industry – Blue Light will provide you with the knowledge and peace-of-mind only experts can provide.

What Matters Most

Your organization will receive the most comprehensive experience for all i2® Products’ related needs — from training, software sales, and solution design, to complex implementation, integration, and ongoing technical support.


IBM® i2® Intelligence Technical Mastery Test v2 (P2065-749)

IBM® i2® Intelligence Sales Mastery Test v2 (M2065-741)

IBM® i2® Analyst Notebook Support Professional (P2065-035)

IBM® i2® Intelligence Technical Professional v2

IBM® i2® Certified iBase User

IBM® i2® Certified Instructor Analyst's Notebook

IBM® i2® Certified Instructor iBase Designer

国外网络访问国内网络速度很慢,有什么方法可以加速么 ...:2021-9-4 · 国外网络访问国内网络速度很慢,有什么方法可以加速么? chenbw · 2021-09-04 12:35:31 +08:00 · 10951 次点击 这是一个创建于 2021 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

IBM® i2® iBase Support Professional v1

国外网站加速神器_百度百科:百度浏览器海外高速通道是国内第一个为浏览器访问国外网站加速的功能,可以帮助网友更流畅、稳定的访问国外网站。使用百度浏览器6.5及以上版本访问常用国外网站,自动开启海外高速通道,平均访问速度几乎可类比当地访问速度。通过实际体验,百度浏览器海外高速通道在海淘、海外网站浏览 ...
